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First Name Collection - English & International

20,579 given names from 94 countries!

Male given name meaning (worldwide)

Female given name meaning (wordwide)

First names and their meanings - here you will find a list of over 20,000 first names with many thousand individual descriptions and information on origin and gender.

The given name directory was divided into male and female given name, a more accurate selection allows the online search, which can search for origins, sex, Nordic given name, Swedish given name, American given name, popular given name, etc.

Most names come from the European and Arab area, especially italian, spanish, french and german firstnames.

Given name with meaning by gender and origin

Male arabic first names: Female arabic first names: Male german first names: Female german first names: Male english first names: Female english first names: Male finnish first names: Female finnish first names: Male french first names: Female french first names: Male greek first names: Female greek first names: Male indian first names: Female indian first names: Male irish first names: Female irish first names: Male icelandic first names: Female icelandic first names: Male italian first names: Female italian first names: Male japanese first names: Female japanese first names: Male korean first names: Female korean first names: Male croatian first names: Female croatian first names: Male lithuanian first names: Female lithuanian first names: Male norwegian first names: Female norwegian first names: Male portuguese first names: Female portuguese first names: Male swedish first names: Female swedish first names: Male serbian first names: Female serbian first names: Male spanish first names: Female spanish first names: Male turkish first names: Female turkish first names: Male ukrainian first names: Female ukrainian first names: Male hungarian first names: Female hungarian first names:

Given name unsorted - male and female - with and without meaning

In the directory are, apart from modern and traditional first names also American, Arab, Germans, English, French, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Latin, Dutch, Northern, Russian, Scandinavian, Slavian, Spanish, and Swedish given names.

The country selection, as well as the total selection of the first names can be indicated when desired naturally also separately according to sexes.

The favorites lists for the most popular first names of the last years, which might be particularly interesting for the user, were provided particularly for this project and to be based on current on-line data of register offices, which are distributed over the whole federal territory. To first names with famous name carriers there are pictures and further information.

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Note: With an international list of names it can occur that some first names are identical to label names. Hereby we point out that all used marks are property of their respective owners.